So why does the DMV rescind, revoke, or suspend a license? Well, this could be because of a number of reasons, from the licensee requesting for a new license to an update in the DMV system. Once they determine that it’s ok for you to get back on the road, you’ll have to redo the entire license acquisition process, meaning you’ll have to retake all exams, both road and written, not to mention pay any and all processing and other applicable fees. Once you serve your time, however, you’ll still have to go through an administrative review process where the DMV takes a long, hard look at your driving record and weigh that with your penalty and time served. You will not be able to have your rescinded license reinstated if you do not go through your court-mandated penalty such as suspension or jail time. Remember that a rescinded license means that you’ve committed a pretty hefty violation, whether it’s a misdemeanor or criminal charge. To get a rescinded license reinstated, you’ll have to go through any and all judicial processes involved with the reason behind your license being rescinded. People who debilitating sicknesses will also go for a voluntary surrender of their license if they feel like they will no longer be able to drive for a very long time. Many seniors voluntarily surrender their license because they feel like it is no longer safe for them to drive. Of course, not all Voluntary Surrenders are bad sometimes, people voluntarily surrender their licenses for health or age reasons. Of course, if it was a major offense, it might not be offered, but for misdemeanors and such, a lawyer might suggest this as a better course of action. This is usually offered to people before the DMV officially rescinds or suspends your license so that people won’t have an awkward mark on their record. By rescinding your license voluntarily, you terminate your contract with the DMV on your own terms, meaning that, from a legal standpoint, it’s you that initiated the action and therefore were not suspended. Voluntary Surrender, on the other hand, might look bad, but in reality, it’s actually a very proactive and positive action people take in order to avoid having a rescinded or suspended license on their record. A suspended license also won’t look great for people looking for employment, with employers opening that line of questioning as to how and why you got your license suspended or rescinded in the first place. A rescinded license can be a red flag for lending institutions like banks, which might take it as a sign of irresponsibility and thus deny you a loan. Having your license rescinded or revoked doesn’t look good from both a legal standpoint and a fiscal standpoint. A license suspension isn’t just a minor inconvenience it goes on your permanent record and will be cited each and every time you get pulled over. However, the most common reason people go for Voluntary Surrender of their license is usually because of an upcoming suspension or revocation of their license.

There are several reasons why someone would undergo Voluntary Surrender, like libertarian values promulgating the separation of the sovereign citizen from the government, or because a new one has been issued to you, or simply because you don’t feel like driving anymore. The act of surrendering or rescinding your driver’s license is called, in legal terms, Voluntary Surrender. So how can you rescind your driver’s license? Simple: you can rescind your driver’s license voluntarily by filing a form from the DMV, or, alternatively, just let it expire on its own.
Here’s a few reasons why, plus more information on how and why licenses are suspended, rescinded, or revoked: Rescinding Your Driver’s License Voluntarily Getting your license rescinded is not a fun time for anyone however, some people actually rescind their licenses voluntarily.